Links User Guide Reference Apache Tomcat Development | Tomcat 6.0.9 (remm) |
General |
Use 2.5 xsd in Tomcat webapps. (markt)
Compression filter improvements, submitted by Eric Hedström. (markt)
Catalina |
Properly return connector names. (remm)
Remove logging of the XML validation flag. (remm)
Correct error messages for context.xml. (markt)
41217: Set secure flag correctly on SSO cookie, submitted by
Chris Halstead. (markt)
40524: request.getAuthType() now returns CLIENT_CERT rather
than CLIENT-CERT. (markt)
40526: Return support for JPDA_OPTS to catalina.bat and add
a new option JPDA_SUSPEND, submitted by by Kurt Roy. (markt)
41265: In embedded, remove the code that resets checkInterval
values of zero to 300. (markt)
Coyote |
37869: Fix getting client certificate, submitted by Christophe Pierret. (remm)
40960: Throw a timeout exception when getting a timeout rather than a
generic IOE, submitted by Christophe Pierret. (remm)
Jasper |
EL validation fixes for attributes. (remm)
41327: Show full URI for a 404. (markt)
JspException now uses getCause() as the result for getRootCause(). (markt)
Cluster |
41466: When using the NioChannel and SecureNioChannel its
important to use the channels buffers. (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.8 (remm) |
Catalina |
Make provided instances of RequestDispatcher thread safe. (markt)
Optional development oriented loader implementation. (funkman)
Optimized access log valve, submitted by Takayuki Kaneko. (remm)
Fix error messages when parsing context.xml that incorrectly referred to
web.xml. (markt)
41217: Set secure attribute on SSO cookie when cookie is
created during a secure request. Patch provided by Chris Halstead.
40524: HttpServletRequest.getAuthType() now returns
CLIENT_CERT rather than CLIENT-CERT for certificate authentication
as per the spec. Note that web.xml continues to use CLIENT-CERT to
specify the certificate authentication should be used. (markt)
41401: Add support for JPDA_OPTS to catalina.bat and add a
JPDA_SUSPEND environment variable to both startup scripts. Patch
provided by Kurt Roy. (markt)
Jasper |
When displaying JSP source after an exception, handle included files.
Display the JSP source when a compilation error occurs and display
the correct line number rather than start of a scriptlet block. (markt)
Fix NPE when processing dynamic attributes. (remm)
More accurate EL usage validation. (remm)
Fix regression for implicit taglib and page data version numbers. (remm)
41265: Allow JspServlet checkInterval init parameter to be
explicitly set to the stated default value of zero by removing the
code that resets it to 300 if explicitly specified as zero. (markt)
41327: Show full URI for a 404. Patch provided by Vijay.
Webapps |
Add a virtual hosting how-to contributed by Hassan Schroeder. (markt)
Update all webapps to use the servlet 2.5 xsd. (markt)
39572: Improvements to CompressionFilter example provided by
Eric Hedström. (markt)
Tomcat 6.0.7 (remm) |
General |
Fix installer's bitmap (mturk)
Catalina |
Refactor logging of errors which may occur when reading a post body (remm)
Coyote |
37869: Also use the SSL_INFO_CLIENT_CERT field if the chain is empty,
submitted by Grzegorz Grzybek (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.5 (remm) |
Catalina |
40585: Fix parameterised constructor for o.a.juli.FileHandler
so parameters have an effect. (markt)
Escape invalid characters from request.getLocale. (markt, remm)
Update required version for native to 1.1.8. (remm)
Do not log broken pipe errors which can occur when flushing the content of an error page. (remm)
Coyote |
Fix firstReadTimeout behavior for the AJP connector. (remm)
Jasper |
41057: Make jsp:plugin output XHTML compliant. (markt)
Cluster |
Cluster interface cleanup. (fhanik)
Refactoring to allow usage of executors. (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.3 (remm) |
Catalina |
37509: Do not remove whitespace from the end of values
defined in files. (markt)
38198: Add reference to Context documentation from Host
documentation that explains how Context name is obtained from the
Context filename. (markt)
40844 Missing syncs in JDBCRealm. (markt)
40901: Encode directory listing output. Based on a patch
provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
40929: Correct JavaDoc for StandardClassLoader. (markt)
41008: Allow POST to be used for indexed queries with CGI
Servlet. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
Fix usage of print on the servlet output stream if the processor never used
a writer (fhanik)
Fix logic of sameSameObjects used to determine correct wrapping of request and
response objects (fhanik)
Update TLD scan lists, and disable caching for now (remm)
Add system property to WebappClassLoader to allow disabling setting references
to null when stopping it (remm)
Add clustered SSO code, submitted by Fabien Carrion (remm)
Coyote |
40860: Log exceptions and other problems during parameter
processing. (markt)
Enable JMX for trust store attributes for SSL connector. (markt)
Port memory usage reduction changes to the HTTP connector. (remm)
MessageBytes.setString(null) will remove the String value. (remm)
41057: Caching large strings is not useful and takes too much
memory, so don't cache these (remm)
Add keepAliveTimeout attribute to most connectors (mturk, remm)
Jasper |
Relax EL type validation for litterals. (remm)
Update some version numbers to 2.1. (funkman, remm)
Add xsds for JSP 2.1 (remm)
41106: Update validation checks for EL to also include
legacy 1.2 tags (remm)
Webapps |
40677: Update SSL documentation to indicate that PKCS11
keystores may be used. (markt)
Tomcat 6.0.2 (remm) |
General |
Various tweaks to distribution (remm, funkman)
Update Tomcat native to 1.1.7 (mturk)
Update to JDT 3.2.1 (remm)
Catalina |
Fix EJB annotation interface (remm)
Coyote |
Fix passing of the keystore password for the NIO connector (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.1 (remm) |
Catalina |
Refactor exception processing using Throwable.getCause to improve exception chaining (remm)
Remove dead code involving the Logger (funkman)
37458: Fix some exceptions which could happen during classloading (markt)
40817: Fix CGI path (markt)
34956: Add the possibility to enforce usage of request and response
wrapper objects (markt)
Jasper |
Many fixes for JSP 2.1 compliance, invloving tag files handling, deferred expressions
validation, bom encoding support (remm)
Coyote |
Many HTTP NIO connector fixes and refactorings (fhanik)
HTTP NIO connector performance improvements (fhanik)
Add packetSize option for the classic AJP connector (jfclere)
Implement explicit flushing in AJP (mturk)
Tomcat 6.0.0 (remm) |
Catalina |
SSLEngine attribute added to the AprLifecycleListener(fhanik)
Add API for Comet IO handling (remm, fhanik)
Servlet 2.5 support (remm)
Jasper |
JSP 2.1 support (jhook, remm)
Unifed EL 2.1 support (jhook)
Coyote |
SSLEnabled attribute required for SSL to be turned on, on all HTTP connectors (fhanik)
Memory usage reduction for the HTTP connectors, except (remm)
Modeler update to use dynamic mbeans rather than model mbeans, which consume more
resources (costin)
Cluster |
New cluster configuration and new documentation (fhanik)